I wanted to take a few seconds and personally thank everyone that has stopped by FKO over the past few weeks. This site is a lot of fun to maintain and I am enjoying myself tremendously.
Weekly Updates
With the help of my readers, I have managed to reduce my alexa ranking from 15.5 million down to just below 3 million. After only a few weeks, I am definitely pleased with these results.
I also managed to avoid eating fast food for an entire week. Since we are rebuilding our emergency fund, the extra savings should help.
Favorite Post this Week
Invest it Wisely talks about the importance of buffering your life. Even if your emergency fund is not fully funded, having a buffer between your income and expenses can mean all the difference in the world.
Easy Extra Money Online is giving away $1,500 and an Apple iPad 2. Yes, please!
My Personal Finance Journey is giving away $141.20. What I like about this giveaway is that a portion of it goes to charity.
Blog Carnivals
Sustainable Personal Finance hosted the Carnival of Personal Finance and included our and included my Rebuilding Our Emergency Fund post.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!